How It All Started

In the begining

I would love to tell you a beautiful story that makes you feel good and is very happy! But rarely are healers in those situtions. However, I love working with people and I seem to get like-minded individuals that need help in the areas I have researched and worked on in healing myself. The reality is that I am a lady (apparently I stopped being a girl way before I got married lol) who went to school and ended up learning in various areas of things because I have a lot if interests.

Long story short, I ended up back in psychology, which is where I started. I worked in the field a little bit and then got my Masters Degree in Counseling. I kept working in the field. Slowly I worked on my own levels of healing and realized that there was something missing. Therapy was not quite getting at the bottom of things. I was also starting to see that many of my therapy patients were getting better but there was something missing as well.

There were things going around me that I dare not tell most people. They would laugh and think I really was crazy. I met some really amazing people online and in person that led me to a lot of information about spirituality. That was it! I had found the missing pieces.

As time goes on

I love when I meet someone and they say, "You are not gonna believe this!" Try me! Therapy is the business of beleiveing people. I certainly do not know everything and have been taught by my patients just as much as they learn from me.

If I'm being completely honest I have seen many folks along the way with pretty heavy diagnosises. I knew and could feel those were not accurate. The biggest kicker was hearing people's stories of them being put into mental institutions and given antipsychotics and various other medications to stop whatever spiritual gifts or issues that were occuring. It blew my mind. I thought these were things that happend 100 years ago. Not true! They happened in the last 50-30 years and continue to happen.

Although I have to admit I love the underdog, I have always felt the need to stand up for those who could not stand up for themselves. If you ever talk with people from my younger years in High School and college I am definately the defender friend. Nothing makes me more angry than a bully! You never really lose that, right? This is all making sense, isn't it?

Chiron: The Wounded Healer

I've tried to learn many skills and techniques in spirituality. It can be hard to find mentors and people that are willing to help, know what they are talking about, and near you! I've read a ton of books. I have practiced a lot! And ended up in an astrology birth chart reading training. I was very moved by the concept of Chiron. I love the story.

Chiron was a Centaur in Greek mythology. The other Centaurs were violent and savage, but he was known to be wise and smart. He was wounded by an arrow that caused him great pain. Because he was immortal he could not die. So Chiron taught humans about his knowledge and things he learned to help himself with his pain (I am totally summerizing this very quickly so please look it up and read the detailed version). The Chiron placement in your birth chart (Tropical Astrology) is the deepest wounds we bring with us. In healing this wound, we can help others do the same. Chiron is named "The Wounded Healer."

The result is...

I totally love this story and it makes me get all choked up everytime I think of it. Feels so deeply powerful and beautiful. Thus how I arrived at my next step. Beccome a true wounded healer and use both psycholgoy and spiritutality to help others heal themselves. Plus I had a lot of my own orginal thoughts about the connections between spirituality and psychology that no one else seems to be talkign about. Since I love to talk about what no one else wants to or feels comfortable, here I am.

Honestly, I have a ton of ideas so I am trying things to see what works and what people like. I have so many interests that I feel I wil figure it out. So here I am starting a blog and hoping that others feel the same way!


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